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Sponsorship Application Form

You can sign in or sign up if you want your information to arrive automatically and follow the status of your application on our website.

Sponsorluk Tipi
Sponsorship Type

From there you can open a new group or join a previously defined group.

Title of the Organization

You can enter the institution name if you are making a sponsorship application on behalf of any company / legal entity (and if you are the owner of the institution / offical representative of hte institution).

You can use the group donation option at the processes made on behalf of groups like schools, classes, public institution employees etc.
Sponsor Person
e-Mail Address
Person in Charge of Payment
Payment Contact Email Address
District of Residence
Neighborhood / Village
Number of Sponsored Orphans
Sponsorship Period
When the sponsorship period ends
Monthly Donation Amount For one Orphan
Total monthly donation sum
Total Sponsorship Cost
Payment Plan
Donation method

After your application, you can pay by credit card immediately or order a regular payment.

Once we receive your first payment, a sponsorship match can be made immediately from the following 2 regions.

Regions With Available Quota Quota

If you would like to receive sponsorship from the following 2 regions, you can queue


In our other 3 region, our quotas are full.

Regions With Full Quota